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An English documentation, a list of stars, and figures are presented. Please see below.
A Library of Digitized Stellar Spectra
Derived from the
OAO Spectrophotographic Plates
大阪市立科学館研究報告誌 第10巻 (2000)
スペクトルのデジタル・データをご希望の方は下記をクリックしてダウンロードしてください。自動解凍します。テキスト形式と fits形式が納められています。サイズ:約1.2MB、作成:片平順一氏(中之島科学研究所)。(2010.1.9.)
スペクトル・データ katahira_oao.exe
エクセルや適当なグラフ表示ソフトなどを用いて表示させてみてください。また、京都天体物理研究所の蓮井隆氏が制作された恒星スペクトル解析ソフト「虹星」Nijiboshi を使えば、吸収線の等価幅を測定するなど、高度な解析が行えます。
収録した恒星は本文の表2 Table 2 を参照してください。
なお、「虹星」Nijiboshi については蓮井隆氏のホームページよりダウンロードできますので、ご利用ください。
蓮井隆氏のホームページはこちら です。
Download of all the spectra
click here : sp_data.oao (1.2MB, text and fits)
Publ. Osaka Sci. Mus. 10, 7 (2000)
February 8, 2000
A Library of Digitized Stellar Spectra
Derived from the
OAO Spectrophotographic Plates
Ken-ichi Kato
Osaka Science Museum
4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005
E-mail :
Noriko Ono, Sadaomi Terasaki, and Keiko Masui
Science Club, Osaka Science Museum
4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005
Kozo Sadakane
Astronomical Institute, Osaka Kyoiku University
Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582
The library contains digitized spectra for 105 stars of spectral classes B0 through
F7 in the wavelength range 3600 A to 4870 A. The resolution is 0.1 A or 0.2 A.
Chemical peculiar stars such as Si-, HgMn-, magnetic-, and metallic-line stars as
well as normal stars are included in this library. All the photographic spectra
were taken at the Coude focus of 74 inch reflector at the Okayama Astrophysical
Observatory (OAO), a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory, during the
1970s and 1980s by one of the authors (K. S.), and they were digitized at the
Osaka Science Museum. The spectral data file (0.6MB in compressed form) is available via
World Wide Web (WWW) at :
Section 1. Introduction
We present digitized spectral data derived from the OAO spectrophotographic
plates taken at the Coude focus of 74 inch reflector. The data were obtained
for purpose of the analysis of spectroscopic lines of early type stars
including chemically peculiar stars during the 1970s and 1980s by K. Sadakane,
Osaka Kyoiku University, but may be useful for other applications.
Measurements and reductions of spectrophotographic plates were performed by
K. Kato and the members of the Science Club of Osaka Science Musem (N. Ono,
S. Terasaki, and K. Masui) by the use of Narumi 101 microphtometer. Outlines
of the project are shown in the following papers in Japanese:
加藤賢一・定金晃三 1998、第4回天体スペクトル研究会収録、p.31 (大阪市立科学館発行)
小野則子・加藤賢一・寺崎定臣・増井恵子・定金晃三 2000、第5回天体スペクトル研究会収録、印刷中(大阪市立科学館発行).
Section 2. File Contents
All the 105 data are compressed and stored in the file
The spectral data file consists of three header lines, data records, and an
end mark as shown in table 1.
The first line is assigned to remarks. They are the proper name of the star,
HD number, plate number yielded by the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (C4
means the f/4 Coude camera), the inclination angle beta of the grating which
determines the coverage of the wave length, spectral type taken from the Bright
Star Catalog (Hoffleit and Jaschek 1982), and the identification number given
by the authors for our accommodation.
The second and third lines show the starting wave length and wavelength step
in Angstrom, respectively. The wavelength step is fixed as 0.1 A or 0.2 A
depending on the dispersion of spectra.
Spectral data are sequentially recorded toward a longer wavelength from the
fourth line to the final point marked with "-1000" corresponding to the wavelength
calculated from the data in the second and third lines. The spectral data are
expressed in relative intensity after the subtraction of the base fog density
of the plate and the transformation of density data into intensity by using
measurements of tube data.
Table 1. File Contents.
Line 1 Remarks (proper name, HD, plate No., Beta, spectral type, and
identification No.)
Line 2 F10.3 format. Stariting wavelength.
Line 3 F10.3 format. Step in wavelength.
Line 4 〜 I5 format.
Final Line I5 format. The end mark "-1000".
Hoffleit D. , Jaschek C. 1982, The Bright Star Catalogue, 4th ed., Tale University Press, New Haven
Section 3. Listed Stars
The stars included in the library have been selected from a collection of
K. Sadakane for stars earlier than F7. The library contains many types of
chemically peculiar stars as well as normal early type stars, but it lacks late
type stars.
Table 2 presents a list of stars. The consecutive columns are proper name of
the star, HD number, plate number yielded by the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory,
inclination angle beta of the grating used, spectral type, date of the observation
in YY(19YY), MM, and DD, type of plate, type of color filter, identification number given by
the authors, and file name in the data deck
Table 2. Stars in the Library
Name |
HD | Plate No. | β | Spectral Type | YY | MM | DD | Plate | Filter | No. | File Name |
Alp And | 358 | C10 - 4253 | 350 | B8IVpMnHg | 85 | 12 | 25 | IIA0 | 182 | AlpAnd182 | |
Bet Cas | 432 | C4 - 4574 | 345 | F2III-IV | 75 | 11 | 24 | IIA0 | VV44 | 115 | BetCas115 |
28 And | 2628 | C4 - 4568 | 345 | A7III | 75 | 11 | 22 | IIA0 | VV44 | 110 | 28And110 |
Del Cas | 8538 | C4 - 4558 | 345 | A5III-IV | 75 | 11 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 72 | DelCas72 |
HR 465 | 9996 | C4 - 6028 | 345 | B9pCrEu | 81 | 8 | 22 | IIA0 | VV44 | 331 | 465Hr331 |
Alp Tri | 11443 | C4 - 5045 | 345 | F6IV | 77 | 8 | 3 | IIA0 | VV44 | 102 | AlpTri102 |
Bet Ari | 11636 | C4 - 5043 | 345 | A5V | 77 | 8 | 3 | IIA0 | VV44 | 66 | BetAri66 |
HR 562 | 11905 | C4 - 6022 | 347 | B8III | 81 | 8 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV42 | 339 | 562Hr339 |
Nu For | 12767 | C4 - 4942 | 345 | B9.5pSi | 76 | 12 | 12 | 103A0 | VV44 | 126 | NuFor126 |
Iot Cas | 15089 | C4 - 5191 | 347 | A5pSr | 77 | 12 | 27 | IIA0 | VV42 | 197 | IotCas197 |
Bet Tri | 16161 | C4 - 5044 | 345 | A5III | 77 | 8 | 3 | IIA0 | VV44 | 101 | BetTri101 |
Pi Cet | 17081 | C10 - 3869 | 349 | B7V | 80 | 12 | 17 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 75 | PiCet75 |
Mu Cet | 17094 | C4 - 5035 | 345 | F0IV | 77 | 8 | 2 | IIA0 | VV44 | 74 | MuCet74 |
21 Per | 18296 | C4 - 5911 | 345 | B9pSi | 80 | 12 | 17 | IIA0 | VB46 | 299 | 21Per299 |
HR 976 | 20210 | C4 - 4562 | 345 | A1m | 75 | 11 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 172 | 976Hr172 |
HR 1078 | 21912 | C4 - 4563 | 345 | A5m | 75 | 11 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 173 | 1078Hr173 |
Eta Tau | 23630 | C4 - 4576 | 345 | B7IIIe | 75 | 11 | 24 | IIA0 | VV44 | 156 | EtaTau156 |
HR 1185 | 23950 | C4 - 4567 | 345 | B8III | 75 | 11 | 22 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 175 | 1185Hr175 |
41 Tau | 25823 | C4 - 7051 | 345 | B9pSi | 85 | 2 | 13 | IIA0 | VB46 | 308 | 41Tau308 |
53 Tau | 27295 | C4 - 7057 | 345 | B9IV | 85 | 2 | 14 | IIA0 | VB46 | 313 | 53Tau313 |
68 Tau | 27962 | C10 - 4041 | 346 | A2IV | 82 | 8 | 30 | IIA0 | VV44 | 52 | 68Tau52 |
78 Tau | 28319 | C4 - 4577 | 345 | A7III | 75 | 11 | 24 | IIA0 | VV44 | 157 | 78Tau157 |
HR 1528 | 30453 | C4 - 4564 | 345 | A8m | 75 | 11 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 174 | 1528Hr174 |
Mu Lep | 33904 | C10 - 4171 | 349 | B9IIIpHgMn | 84 | 3 | 10 | IIA0 | VV40 | 26 | MuLep26 |
Tau Ori | 34503 | C4 - 5176 | 345 | B5III | 77 | 12 | 25 | IIA0 | VV44 | 292 | TauOri292 |
Bet Tau | 35497 | C4 - 4578 | 345 | B7III | 75 | 11 | 24 | IIA0 | VV44 | 155 | BetTau155 |
Eps Ori | 37128 | C10 - 3879 | 345 | B0Ia | 80 | 12 | 20 | IIA0 | VB46 | 289 | EpsOri289 |
134 Tau | 38899 | C4 - 7052 | 345 | B9IV | 85 | 2 | 13 | IIA0 | VB46 | 315 | 134Tau315 |
137 Tau | 39317 | C4 - 5185 | 346 | B9pSiCrEu | 77 | 12 | 26 | IIA0 | VV42 | 316 | 137Tau316 |
Bet Aur | 40183 | C10 - 4133 | 349 | A2IV | 83 | 8 | 26 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 1 | BetAur1 |
HR 2139 | 41269 | C4 - 5186 | 346 | B9pSi | 77 | 11 | 26 | IIA0 | VV42 | 342 | 2139Hr342 |
2 Lyn | 43378 | C4 - 6256 | 346 | A2Vs | 82 | 1 | 7 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 279 | 2Lyn279 |
Gam Gem | 47105 | C4 - 4646 | 345 | A0IV | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VV44 | 127 | GamGem127 |
53 Aur | 47152 | C4 - 4571 | 345 | B9npEu | 75 | 11 | 22 | IIA0 | VV44 | 113 | 53Aur113 |
Alp CMa | 48915 | C10 - 4071 | 349 | A1Vm | 82 | 11 | 8 | IIA0 | VV40 | 3 | AlpCMa3 |
21 Lyn | 58142 | C4 - 5909 | 348 | A1V | 80 | 12 | 16 | IIA0+ | VV42 | 39 | 21Lyn39 |
HR 2844 | 58661 | C4 - 7054 | 349 | B9pHgMn | 85 | 2 | 13 | IIA0 | VV40 | 344 | 2844Hr344 |
Rho Gem | 58946 | C4 - 4565 | 345 | F0V | 75 | 11 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 86 | RhoGem86 |
15 Cnc | 68351 | C4 - 7049 | 345 | B9pSiCr | 85 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VB46 | 212 | 15Cnc212 |
3 Hya | 72968 | C4 - 5515 | 348 | A1pSrCrEu | 78 | 11 | 22 | IIA0 | VV42 | 258 | 3Hya258 |
Eta Hya | 74280 | C4 - 5195 | 345 | B3V | 77 | 12 | 27 | IIA0 | VV44 | 256 | EtaHya256 |
49 Cnc | 74521 | C4 - 5194 | 345 | A1pEuCr | 77 | 12 | 27 | IIA0 | VV44 | 213 | 49Cnc213 |
Iot UMa | 76644 | C4 - 5180 | 345 | A7IV | 77 | 12 | 25 | IIA0 | VV44 | 318 | IotUMa318 |
Nu Cnc | 77350 | C4 - 6258 | 349 | A0pSi | 82 | 1 | 7 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 64 | NuCnc64 |
Kap Cnc | 78316 | C10 - 4252 | 350 | B8IIIpMn | 78 | KapCnc78 | |||||
36 Lyn | 79158 | C4 - 7040 | 345 | B8IIIpMn | 85 | 2 | 9 | IIA0+ | VB46 | 282 | 36Lyn282 |
The UMa | 82328 | C4 - 5181 | 345 | F6IV | 77 | 12 | 25 | IIA0 | VV44 | 104 | TheUMa104 |
Kap Hya | 83754 | C4 - 5188 | 345 | B5V | 77 | 12 | 26 | IIA0 | VV44 | 257 | KapHya257 |
Nu UMa | 84999 | C4 - 4647 | 345 | F2IV | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VV44 | 105 | NuUMa105 |
Phi UMa | 85235 | C4 - 5512 | 348 | A3IV | 78 | 11 | 21 | IIA0 | VV42 | 321 | PhiUMa321 |
Alp Sex | 87887 | C10 - 1036 | 349 | A0III | 50 | AlpSex50 | |||||
Zet Leo | 89025 | C4 - 4648 | 345 | F0III | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VV44 | 87 | ZetLeo87 |
Ome UMa | 94334 | C4 - 5915 | 348 | A1Vs | 80 | 12 | 20 | IIA0 | VV42 | 320 | OmeUMa320 |
Bet UMa | 95418 | C4 - 4649 | 345 | A1V | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VV44 | 57 | BetUMa57 |
Del Leo | 97603 | C4 - 4652 | 345 | A4V | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0 | VV44 | 151 | DelLeo151 |
The Leo | 97633 | C4 - 4650 | 345 | A2V | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 260 | TheLeo260 |
Bet Leo | 102647 | C4 - 4651 | 345 | A3V | 76 | 2 | 12 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 135 | BetLeo135 |
Gam UMa | 103287 | C4 - 5196 | 345 | A0Ve | 77 | 12 | 27 | IIA0 | VV44 | 103 | GamUMa103 |
95 Leo | 103578 | C4 - 6260 | 346 | A3V | 82 | 1 | 7 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 261 | 95Leo261 |
17 Com | 108662 | C4 - 5252 | 345 | A1IVp | 78 | 5 | 22 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 214 | 17Com214 |
Eps UMa | 112185 | C10 - 3262 | 346 | A0pCr | 76 | 12 | 11 | 103A0 | VV44 | 163 | EpsUMa163 |
Alp2 CVn | 112413 | C10 - 4218 | 349 | A0pSiEuHg | 85 | 2 | 11 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 80 | Alp2CVn80 |
80 UMa | 116842 | C4 - 5046 | 345 | A5V | 77 | 8 | 4 | IIA0 | VV44 | 106 | 80UMa106 |
78 Vir | 118022 | C4 - 5243 | 345 | A1pSrCrEu | 78 | 5 | 20 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 325 | 78Vir325 |
Eta UMa | 120315 | C4 - 5197 | 345 | B3V | 77 | 12 | 27 | IIA0 | VV44 | 319 | EtaUMa319 |
Alp Dra | 123299 | C4 - 5038 | 345 | A0III | 77 | 8 | 3 | IIA0 | VV44 | 85 | AlpDra85 |
The Boo | 126660 | C4 - 5047 | 345 | F7V | 77 | 8 | 4 | IIA0 | VV44 | 69 | TheBoo69 |
Gam Boo | 127762 | C4 - 5049 | 345 | A7III | 77 | 8 | 4 | IIA0 | VV44 | 191 | GamBoo191 |
Sig Boo | 128167 | C4 - 5048 | 345 | F2V | 77 | 8 | 4 | IIA0 | VV44 | 70 | SigBoo70 |
Pi1 Boo | 129174 | C4 - 7041 | 345 | B9pMnHgSi | 85 | 2 | 9 | IIA0+ | VB46 | 192 | Pi1Boo192 |
Bet CrB | 137909 | C10 - 4183 | 349 | F0p | 84 | 8 | 16 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 220 | BetCrB220 |
The CrB | 138749 | C4 - 4692 | 345 | B6Vnne | 76 | 7 | 13 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 120 | TheCrB120 |
Alp CrB | 139006 | C4 - 4691 | 345 | A0V+G5V | 76 | 7 | 13 | IIA0 | VV44 | 79 | AlpCrB79 |
Bet TrA | 141891 | C10 - 4257 | 350 | F2III | 85 | 12 | 26 | IIA0 | 317 | BetTrA317 | |
Gam Ser | 142860 | C4 - 4693 | 345 | F6V | 76 | 7 | 14 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 99 | GamSer99 |
Iot CrB | 143807 | C4 - 6304 | 348 | A0p:Hg: | 82 | 8 | 28 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 224 | IotCrB224 |
Tau Her | 147394 | C4 - 4694 | 345 | B5IV | 76 | 7 | 14 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 134 | TauHer134 |
Gam Her | 147547 | C4 - 4698 | 345 | A9III | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 132 | GamHer132 |
Eta Oph | 155125 | C10 - 4135 | 346 | A2V | 83 | 8 | 28 | IIA0 | VV44 | 42 | EtaOph42 |
Zet Dra | 155763 | C10 - 4138 | 349 | B6III | 83 | 8 | 28 | IIA0 | VV40 | 226 | ZetDra226 |
Alp Oph | 159561 | C4 - 4699 | 345 | A5III | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 95 | AlpOph95 |
Iot Her | 160762 | C10 - 4186 | 346 | B3IV | 84 | 8 | 16 | IIA0 | VV44 | 252 | IotHer252 |
Gam Oph | 161868 | C4 - 4700 | 345 | A0Vnp | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 96 | GamOph96 |
HR 6997 | 172044 | C4 - 6971 | 349 | B8II-IIIpHg | 84 | 8 | 13 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 346 | 6997Hr346 |
Alp Lyr | 172167 | C4 - 4701 | 345 | A0Va | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 94 | AlpLyr94 |
46 Dra | 173524 | C4 - 6307 | 348 | B9.5pHg: | 82 | 8 | 29 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 232 | 46Dra232 |
HR 7098 | 174567 | C4 - 6018 | 349 | A0Vs | 81 | 8 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 349 | 7098Hr349 |
112 Her | 174933 | CI10- 1426 | 349 | B9II-IIIpHg | 85 | 8 | 8 | 103a- | G | 254 | 112Her254 |
Gam Lyr | 176437 | C4 - 4695 | 345 | B9III | 76 | 7 | 14 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 152 | GamLyr152 |
19 Lyr | 179527 | C4 - 6029 | 348 | B9pSi | 81 | 8 | 23 | IIA0 | VV40 | 285 | 19Lyr285 |
Pi Dra | 182564 | C10 - 4140 | 346 | A2III s | 83 | 8 | 28 | IIA0 | VV44 | 17 | PiDra17 |
Del Aql | 182640 | C4 - 4696 | 345 | F3IV | 76 | 7 | 14 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 67 | DelAql67 |
46 Aql | 186122 | C4 - 6010 | 347 | B9IIIpHgMn | 81 | 8 | 19 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 186 | 46Aql186 |
Del Cyg | 186882 | C4 - 4702 | 345 | B9.5IV+F1V | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 83 | DelCyg83 |
Alp Aql | 187642 | C4 - 5031 | 345 | A7V | 76 | 8 | 2 | IIA0 | VV44 | 177 | AlpAql177 |
Nu Cap | 193432 | C4 - 5836 | 347 | B9.5V | 80 | 8 | 23 | IIA0+ | VV42 | 194 | NuCap194 |
HR 7775 | 193452 | C4 - 6309 | 348 | A0III | 82 | 8 | 29 | IIA0+ | VV40 | 350 | 7775Hr350 |
73 Dra | 196502 | C4 - 5249 | 345 | A0pSrCrEu | 78 | 5 | 21 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 236 | 73Dra236 |
Alp Del | 196867 | C4 - 4703 | 345 | B9IV | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 84 | AlpDel84 |
Eps Aqr | 198001 | C4 - 4704 | 345 | A1V | 76 | 7 | 15 | IIA0+ | VV44 | 68 | EpsAqr68 |
21 Peg | 209459 | C4 - 5837 | 347 | B9.5V | 80 | 8 | 23 | IIA0+ | VV42 | 295 | 21Peg295 |
Zet Peg | 214923 | C4 - 5032 | 345 | B8V | 77 | 8 | 2 | IIA0 | VV44 | 294 | ZetPeg294 |
Omi Peg | 214994 | C10 - 4038 | 346 | A1IV | 82 | 8 | 30 | IIA0 | VV44 | 46 | OmiPeg46 |
Alp Peg | 218045 | C4 - 5033 | 345 | B9V | 77 | 8 | 2 | IIA0 | VV44 | 293 | AlpPeg293 |
Ome2 Aqr | 222661 | C4 - 5034 | 345 | B9.5V | 77 | 8 | 2 | IIA0 | VV44 | 188 | Ome2Aqr188 |
108 Aqr | 223640 | - | 345 | B9pSiSrCr | 111 | 108Aqr111 |
Acknowledgements. This work was partly supported by the Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society to K. K. (grant number 11-327G).
final revision : Jun. 13, 2002, Jan. 9, 2010