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An English documentation, a list of stars, and figures are presented. Please see below.

A Library of Digitized Stellar Spectra
Derived from the
OAO Spectrophotographic Plates


 大阪市立科学館研究報告誌 第10巻 (2000)


 スペクトルのデジタル・データをご希望の方は下記をクリックしてダウンロードしてください。自動解凍します。テキスト形式と fits形式が納められています。サイズ:約1.2MB、作成:片平順一氏(中之島科学研究所)。(2010.1.9.)
スペクトル・データ katahira_oao.exe

 エクセルや適当なグラフ表示ソフトなどを用いて表示させてみてください。また、京都天体物理研究所の蓮井隆氏が制作された恒星スペクトル解析ソフト「虹星」Nijiboshi を使えば、吸収線の等価幅を測定するなど、高度な解析が行えます。
 収録した恒星は本文の表2 Table 2 を参照してください。

 なお、「虹星」Nijiboshi については蓮井隆氏のホームページよりダウンロードできますので、ご利用ください。 蓮井隆氏のホームページはこちら です。

Download of all the spectra 

click here :  sp_data.oao (1.2MB, text and fits)

Publ. Osaka Sci. Mus. 10, 7 (2000)

February 8, 2000

A Library of Digitized Stellar Spectra
Derived from the
OAO Spectrophotographic Plates

Ken-ichi Kato
Osaka Science Museum
4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005
E-mail : kato@sci-museum.kita.osaka.jp

Noriko Ono, Sadaomi Terasaki, and Keiko Masui
Science Club, Osaka Science Museum
4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005


Kozo Sadakane
Astronomical Institute, Osaka Kyoiku University
Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582


   The library contains digitized spectra for 105 stars of spectral classes B0 through F7 in the wavelength range 3600 A to 4870 A. The resolution is 0.1 A or 0.2 A. Chemical peculiar stars such as Si-, HgMn-, magnetic-, and metallic-line stars as well as normal stars are included in this library. All the photographic spectra were taken at the Coude focus of 74 inch reflector at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (OAO), a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory, during the 1970s and 1980s by one of the authors (K. S.), and they were digitized at the Osaka Science Museum. The spectral data file (0.6MB in compressed form) is available via World Wide Web (WWW) at :

Section 1. Introduction

   We present digitized spectral data derived from the OAO spectrophotographic plates taken at the Coude focus of 74 inch reflector. The data were obtained for purpose of the analysis of spectroscopic lines of early type stars including chemically peculiar stars during the 1970s and 1980s by K. Sadakane, Osaka Kyoiku University, but may be useful for other applications. Measurements and reductions of spectrophotographic plates were performed by K. Kato and the members of the Science Club of Osaka Science Musem (N. Ono, S. Terasaki, and K. Masui) by the use of Narumi 101 microphtometer. Outlines of the project are shown in the following papers in Japanese:

加藤賢一・定金晃三 1998、第4回天体スペクトル研究会収録、p.31 (大阪市立科学館発行)  
小野則子・加藤賢一・寺崎定臣・増井恵子・定金晃三 2000、第5回天体スペクトル研究会収録、印刷中(大阪市立科学館発行).

Section 2. File Contents

  All the 105 data are compressed and stored in the file Sp_oao1.zip. 
  The spectral data file consists of three header lines, data records, and an end mark as shown in table 1.
  The first line is assigned to remarks. They are the proper name of the star, HD number, plate number yielded by the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (C4 means the f/4 Coude camera), the inclination angle beta of the grating which determines the coverage of the wave length, spectral type taken from the Bright Star Catalog (Hoffleit and Jaschek 1982), and the identification number given by the authors for our accommodation.
The second and third lines show the starting wave length and wavelength step in Angstrom, respectively. The wavelength step is fixed as 0.1 A or 0.2 A depending on the dispersion of spectra.
  Spectral data are sequentially recorded toward a longer wavelength from the fourth line to the final point marked with "-1000" corresponding to the wavelength calculated from the data in the second and third lines. The spectral data are expressed in relative intensity after the subtraction of the base fog density of the plate and the transformation of density data into intensity by using measurements of tube data.

Table 1. File Contents.
Line 1       Remarks (proper name, HD, plate No., Beta, spectral type, and
identification No.)
Line 2       F10.3 format. Stariting wavelength.
Line 3       F10.3 format. Step in wavelength.
Line 4 〜   I5 format.
Final Line   I5 format. The end mark "-1000".

Hoffleit D. , Jaschek C. 1982, The Bright Star Catalogue, 4th ed., Tale University Press, New Haven

Section 3. Listed Stars

   The stars included in the library have been selected from a collection of K. Sadakane for stars earlier than F7. The library contains many types of chemically peculiar stars as well as normal early type stars, but it lacks late type stars.
   Table 2 presents a list of stars. The consecutive columns are proper name of the star, HD number, plate number yielded by the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, inclination angle beta of the grating used, spectral type, date of the observation in YY(19YY), MM, and DD, type of plate, type of color filter, identification number given by the authors, and file name in the data deck Sp_oao1.zip.

Table 2. Stars in the Library


Plate No. β Spectral Type YY MM DD Plate Filter No. File Name
Alp And 358 C10 - 4253 350 B8IVpMnHg 85 12 25 IIA0 182 AlpAnd182
Bet Cas 432 C4 - 4574 345 F2III-IV 75 11 24 IIA0 VV44 115 BetCas115
28 And 2628 C4 - 4568 345 A7III 75 11 22 IIA0 VV44 110 28And110
Del Cas 8538 C4 - 4558 345 A5III-IV 75 11 21 IIA0+ VV44 72 DelCas72
HR 465 9996 C4 - 6028 345 B9pCrEu 81 8 22 IIA0 VV44 331 465Hr331
Alp Tri 11443 C4 - 5045 345 F6IV 77 8 3 IIA0 VV44 102 AlpTri102
Bet Ari 11636 C4 - 5043 345 A5V 77 8 3 IIA0 VV44 66 BetAri66
HR 562 11905 C4 - 6022 347 B8III 81 8 21 IIA0+ VV42 339 562Hr339
Nu For 12767 C4 - 4942 345 B9.5pSi 76 12 12 103A0 VV44 126 NuFor126
Iot Cas 15089 C4 - 5191 347 A5pSr 77 12 27 IIA0 VV42 197 IotCas197
Bet Tri 16161 C4 - 5044 345 A5III 77 8 3 IIA0 VV44 101 BetTri101
Pi Cet 17081 C10 - 3869 349 B7V 80 12 17 IIA0+ VV40 75 PiCet75
Mu Cet 17094 C4 - 5035 345 F0IV 77 8 2 IIA0 VV44 74 MuCet74
21 Per 18296 C4 - 5911 345 B9pSi 80 12 17 IIA0 VB46 299 21Per299
HR 976 20210 C4 - 4562 345 A1m 75 11 21 IIA0+ VV44 172 976Hr172
HR 1078 21912 C4 - 4563 345 A5m 75 11 21 IIA0+ VV44 173 1078Hr173
Eta Tau 23630 C4 - 4576 345 B7IIIe 75 11 24 IIA0 VV44 156 EtaTau156
HR 1185 23950 C4 - 4567 345 B8III 75 11 22 IIA0+ VV44 175 1185Hr175
41 Tau 25823 C4 - 7051 345 B9pSi 85 2 13 IIA0 VB46 308 41Tau308
53 Tau 27295 C4 - 7057 345 B9IV 85 2 14 IIA0 VB46 313 53Tau313
68 Tau 27962 C10 - 4041 346 A2IV 82 8 30 IIA0 VV44 52 68Tau52
78 Tau 28319 C4 - 4577 345 A7III 75 11 24 IIA0 VV44 157 78Tau157
HR 1528 30453 C4 - 4564 345 A8m 75 11 21 IIA0+ VV44 174 1528Hr174
Mu Lep 33904 C10 - 4171 349 B9IIIpHgMn 84 3 10 IIA0 VV40 26 MuLep26
Tau Ori 34503 C4 - 5176 345 B5III 77 12 25 IIA0 VV44 292 TauOri292
Bet Tau 35497 C4 - 4578 345 B7III 75 11 24 IIA0 VV44 155 BetTau155
Eps Ori 37128 C10 - 3879 345 B0Ia 80 12 20 IIA0 VB46 289 EpsOri289
134 Tau 38899 C4 - 7052 345 B9IV 85 2 13 IIA0 VB46 315 134Tau315
137 Tau 39317 C4 - 5185 346 B9pSiCrEu 77 12 26 IIA0 VV42 316 137Tau316
Bet Aur 40183 C10 - 4133 349 A2IV 83 8 26 IIA0+ VV40 1 BetAur1
HR 2139 41269 C4 - 5186 346 B9pSi 77 11 26 IIA0 VV42 342 2139Hr342
2 Lyn 43378 C4 - 6256 346 A2Vs 82 1 7 IIA0+ VV44 279 2Lyn279
Gam Gem 47105 C4 - 4646 345 A0IV 76 2 12 IIA0 VV44 127 GamGem127
53 Aur 47152 C4 - 4571 345 B9npEu 75 11 22 IIA0 VV44 113 53Aur113
Alp CMa 48915 C10 - 4071 349 A1Vm 82 11 8 IIA0 VV40 3 AlpCMa3
21 Lyn 58142 C4 - 5909 348 A1V 80 12 16 IIA0+ VV42 39 21Lyn39
HR 2844 58661 C4 - 7054 349 B9pHgMn 85 2 13 IIA0 VV40 344 2844Hr344
Rho Gem 58946 C4 - 4565 345 F0V 75 11 21 IIA0+ VV44 86 RhoGem86
15 Cnc 68351 C4 - 7049 345 B9pSiCr 85 2 12 IIA0 VB46 212 15Cnc212
3 Hya 72968 C4 - 5515 348 A1pSrCrEu 78 11 22 IIA0 VV42 258 3Hya258
Eta Hya 74280 C4 - 5195 345 B3V 77 12 27 IIA0 VV44 256 EtaHya256
49 Cnc 74521 C4 - 5194 345 A1pEuCr 77 12 27 IIA0 VV44 213 49Cnc213
Iot UMa 76644 C4 - 5180 345 A7IV 77 12 25 IIA0 VV44 318 IotUMa318
Nu Cnc 77350 C4 - 6258 349 A0pSi 82 1 7 IIA0+ VV40 64 NuCnc64
Kap Cnc 78316 C10 - 4252 350 B8IIIpMn 78 KapCnc78
36 Lyn 79158 C4 - 7040 345 B8IIIpMn 85 2 9 IIA0+ VB46 282 36Lyn282
The UMa 82328 C4 - 5181 345 F6IV 77 12 25 IIA0 VV44 104 TheUMa104
Kap Hya 83754 C4 - 5188 345 B5V 77 12 26 IIA0 VV44 257 KapHya257
Nu UMa 84999 C4 - 4647 345 F2IV 76 2 12 IIA0 VV44 105 NuUMa105
Phi UMa 85235 C4 - 5512 348 A3IV 78 11 21 IIA0 VV42 321 PhiUMa321
Alp Sex 87887 C10 - 1036 349 A0III 50 AlpSex50
Zet Leo 89025 C4 - 4648 345 F0III 76 2 12 IIA0 VV44 87 ZetLeo87
Ome UMa 94334 C4 - 5915 348 A1Vs 80 12 20 IIA0 VV42 320 OmeUMa320
Bet UMa 95418 C4 - 4649 345 A1V 76 2 12 IIA0 VV44 57 BetUMa57
Del Leo 97603 C4 - 4652 345 A4V 76 2 12 IIA0 VV44 151 DelLeo151
The Leo 97633 C4 - 4650 345 A2V 76 2 12 IIA0+ VV44 260 TheLeo260
Bet Leo 102647 C4 - 4651 345 A3V 76 2 12 IIA0+ VV44 135 BetLeo135
Gam UMa 103287 C4 - 5196 345 A0Ve 77 12 27 IIA0 VV44 103 GamUMa103
95 Leo 103578 C4 - 6260 346 A3V 82 1 7 IIA0+ VV44 261 95Leo261
17 Com 108662 C4 - 5252 345 A1IVp 78 5 22 IIA0+ VV44 214 17Com214
Eps UMa 112185 C10 - 3262 346 A0pCr 76 12 11 103A0 VV44 163 EpsUMa163
Alp2 CVn 112413 C10 - 4218 349 A0pSiEuHg 85 2 11 IIA0+ VV40 80 Alp2CVn80
80 UMa 116842 C4 - 5046 345 A5V 77 8 4 IIA0 VV44 106 80UMa106
78 Vir 118022 C4 - 5243 345 A1pSrCrEu 78 5 20 IIA0+ VV44 325 78Vir325
Eta UMa 120315 C4 - 5197 345 B3V 77 12 27 IIA0 VV44 319 EtaUMa319
Alp Dra 123299 C4 - 5038 345 A0III 77 8 3 IIA0 VV44 85 AlpDra85
The Boo 126660 C4 - 5047 345 F7V 77 8 4 IIA0 VV44 69 TheBoo69
Gam Boo 127762 C4 - 5049 345 A7III 77 8 4 IIA0 VV44 191 GamBoo191
Sig Boo 128167 C4 - 5048 345 F2V 77 8 4 IIA0 VV44 70 SigBoo70
Pi1 Boo 129174 C4 - 7041 345 B9pMnHgSi 85 2 9 IIA0+ VB46 192 Pi1Boo192
Bet CrB 137909 C10 - 4183 349 F0p 84 8 16 IIA0+ VV40 220 BetCrB220
The CrB 138749 C4 - 4692 345 B6Vnne 76 7 13 IIA0+ VV44 120 TheCrB120
Alp CrB 139006 C4 - 4691 345 A0V+G5V 76 7 13 IIA0 VV44 79 AlpCrB79
Bet TrA 141891 C10 - 4257 350 F2III 85 12 26 IIA0 317 BetTrA317
Gam Ser 142860 C4 - 4693 345 F6V 76 7 14 IIA0+ VV44 99 GamSer99
Iot CrB 143807 C4 - 6304 348 A0p:Hg: 82 8 28 IIA0+ VV40 224 IotCrB224
Tau Her 147394 C4 - 4694 345 B5IV 76 7 14 IIA0+ VV44 134 TauHer134
Gam Her 147547 C4 - 4698 345 A9III 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 132 GamHer132
Eta Oph 155125 C10 - 4135 346 A2V 83 8 28 IIA0 VV44 42 EtaOph42
Zet Dra 155763 C10 - 4138 349 B6III 83 8 28 IIA0 VV40 226 ZetDra226
Alp Oph 159561 C4 - 4699 345 A5III 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 95 AlpOph95
Iot Her 160762 C10 - 4186 346 B3IV 84 8 16 IIA0 VV44 252 IotHer252
Gam Oph 161868 C4 - 4700 345 A0Vnp 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 96 GamOph96
HR 6997 172044 C4 - 6971 349 B8II-IIIpHg 84 8 13 IIA0+ VV44 346 6997Hr346
Alp Lyr 172167 C4 - 4701 345 A0Va 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 94 AlpLyr94
46 Dra 173524 C4 - 6307 348 B9.5pHg: 82 8 29 IIA0+ VV40 232 46Dra232
HR 7098 174567 C4 - 6018 349 A0Vs 81 8 21 IIA0+ VV40 349 7098Hr349
112 Her 174933 CI10- 1426 349 B9II-IIIpHg 85 8 8 103a- G 254 112Her254
Gam Lyr 176437 C4 - 4695 345 B9III 76 7 14 IIA0+ VV44 152 GamLyr152
19 Lyr 179527 C4 - 6029 348 B9pSi 81 8 23 IIA0 VV40 285 19Lyr285
Pi Dra 182564 C10 - 4140 346 A2III s 83 8 28 IIA0 VV44 17 PiDra17
Del Aql 182640 C4 - 4696 345 F3IV 76 7 14 IIA0+ VV44 67 DelAql67
46 Aql 186122 C4 - 6010 347 B9IIIpHgMn 81 8 19 IIA0+ VV40 186 46Aql186
Del Cyg 186882 C4 - 4702 345 B9.5IV+F1V 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 83 DelCyg83
Alp Aql 187642 C4 - 5031 345 A7V 76 8 2 IIA0 VV44 177 AlpAql177
Nu Cap 193432 C4 - 5836 347 B9.5V 80 8 23 IIA0+ VV42 194 NuCap194
HR 7775 193452 C4 - 6309 348 A0III 82 8 29 IIA0+ VV40 350 7775Hr350
73 Dra 196502 C4 - 5249 345 A0pSrCrEu 78 5 21 IIA0+ VV44 236 73Dra236
Alp Del 196867 C4 - 4703 345 B9IV 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 84 AlpDel84
Eps Aqr 198001 C4 - 4704 345 A1V 76 7 15 IIA0+ VV44 68 EpsAqr68
21 Peg 209459 C4 - 5837 347 B9.5V 80 8 23 IIA0+ VV42 295 21Peg295
Zet Peg 214923 C4 - 5032 345 B8V 77 8 2 IIA0 VV44 294 ZetPeg294
Omi Peg 214994 C10 - 4038 346 A1IV 82 8 30 IIA0 VV44 46 OmiPeg46
Alp Peg 218045 C4 - 5033 345 B9V 77 8 2 IIA0 VV44 293 AlpPeg293
Ome2 Aqr 222661 C4 - 5034 345 B9.5V 77 8 2 IIA0 VV44 188 Ome2Aqr188
108 Aqr 223640 - 345 B9pSiSrCr 111 108Aqr111

Acknowledgements. This work was partly supported by the Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society to K. K. (grant number 11-327G).

final revision : Jun.  13, 2002, Jan. 9, 2010